Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas

First thanks to the DKC for having us shoot their December Obedience and Rally trials. I always look forward to these trials because I know Christmas is getting close. Here's a shot from Sunday's excellent Utility runs. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and thank you for all your support during the year.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Air BC

Thanks to the Langley Kennel Club for having us last weekend. the cool weather whipped everybody up and there were some terrific runs!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Finally Moved

Well we've been off the air for a little while. Finally got moved. Here's a snap of the agility field and observatory location.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Mach2 Thor

It was great fun getting back into the swing of agility at the Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club agility trials. And the traffic home on Sunday wasn't even bad! Congratulations to MACH2 Thor and Lois and MACH3 Cheetah and Wendy. This is Thor getting MACH2!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

DKC Obedience Trials

Thanks to the DKC Club for having us shoot last weekend. It was nice to be inside. The dogs appreciated it and we had alot of fun. So did the dogs. Here's a picture of Nicki Camerra's Mastiff Noah - he was definitely having some fun!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Great Weekend at CCC

What a great weekend at the Capital City Cocker Club trials. The weather totally cooperated so that the building never really got overly hot. Fun challenging courses for everyone. A super way to end our spring shooting schedule. thanks again to the club for having us!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thanks Again!

Thanks again to the Belroi Agility Club for having us shoot last weekend. The rain held off for the most part and we had a great weekend! Also thanks to Laura for hosting the event at such a great site.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

In A Rush

Thanks to the DKC for having us last weekend.Although we got a bit of weather Friday night, the days were just fine for agility. Also best of luck to the DKC on their new Chatham home for their fall agility trials.Here's a quick one of Rush doing her usual sprint over the A-frame.

Monday, March 18, 2013

New Tire

Well the new breakaway tire didn't slow anyone down this weekend. Thanks to the Danville Kennel Club for having us shoot this weekend. The Olde Dominion Agriculture Complex is a great indoor venue and the club did its usual superb job of running the trial.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sheltie On The Move

Thanks to the CPA club for inviting us to shoot last weekend. The weather outside was a little ugly on Friday and Saturday but inside was just fine! Here's Elsie a Mike Padgett pup tearing up the dog walk.

Monday, February 18, 2013

All Good Things In Time

Thanks to the Star City folks for having us shoot last weekend.The trials went off like clockwork and we had some terrific runs. A special shout out to Nelson and Bright for getting their MACH this weekend.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Star City and DOTC

Great to be back shooting again in the New Year. Thanks to Star City and the Lynchburg DOTC for having us. Here's Ace burning up the chute.